The Metal Detecting Club for California's Central Valley
Discover local history and the excitement of the hunt
Discover local history and the excitement of the hunt
The Sacramento Valley Detecting Buffs (SVDB) is
the metal detecting club for the Central Valley of California. The members represent a wide range of interests, including relic hunting, coin shooting, jewelry hunting, and gold prospecting. As a public service, members regularly clean up trash and found hazardous objects from schools and other locations during hunts. We are a not-for-profit club and welcome new members. Join us and find lots of support from the club as you learn about this exciting activity!
From weekend organized club hunts to giant competitive yearly hunts for all members, check out our calendar below to see what's coming up!
SVDB member Scott Newens recovered this lost wedding ring! Scott received an email from a man who’s wife had lost a gold wedding band in their front yard. They had been looking for it for some time but without any luck. Scott arrived at their home in about ten minutes ready to help! The grass was thick but Scott was able to find the ring in about two minutes. The couple was quite happy, relieved and grateful.
If you have lost an item of value and would like help from the club to recover it, our members may be able to find it. We have recovered many treasured items for persons in our community. Use the contact form below to contact the club for help.
Rusch Park
Come join in this fun club hunt!
Hunt starts at 10am.
No digging tools or large coils please.
Members: $25 Non Members: $35
Location: Rusch ...
Rusch Park
Lake Minden
This is our huge annual club hunt!
Hunt starts at 1015am.
Non members welcome!
Further information and downloadable registration form below
Lake Minden
Denny's, 122 Sunrise Ave., Roseville
Join the club, meet the members and board, and see the latest exciting finds by club members! Map:
Denny's, 122 Sunrise Ave., Roseville
Weekly outings with the club to local parks. These hunts are an opportunity to meet the members, learn about your detector, and find new tre...
svdbMembership Application (pdf)
DownloadA not-for-profit 501 (c)(7) club John Hainlen, President Paul Giese, Vice President Lisa Smith, Secretary Steve Carey, Treasurer George Magann, Membership
Join us for the first big hunt of year on Saturday, march 15th!
Non members are welcome.
Scroll down to the Events Section for more information.